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‘Big Beef’ Tomato Transplant


Nice combination of size, taste, and earliness. Still unsurpassed as the top choice for fresh beefsteak tomatoes. Large, avg. 10-12 oz., mostly blemish-free, globe-shaped red fruit. They have full flavour – among the best – and ripen early for their size.


Broad disease resistance package. High resistance to Alternaria stem canker, Fusarium wilt races 1, 2, gray leaf spot, nematodes, tobacco mosaic virus, and Verticillium wilt.


AAS winner. Indeterminate. F1 Hybrid.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted & 5″ potted







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‘Black Cherry’ Tomato Transplant


Hardy, vigorous vines loaded with clusters of beautiful purple/mahogany brown fruit. Juicy cherry tomatoes with sweet flavour and firm texture. Easy to grow and naturally disease resistant.


Indeterminate. Cherry. Open Pollinated.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Blush’ Tomato Transplant

Beautiful, bright yellow snacking tomato. Red stripes appear as blossom-end red marbling develops. Strong plants tolerate tough conditions. A productive cherry tomato with a light gold skin with a ‘blush’ of red throughout the fruit. A sweet and juicy fruit. Strong plants with a decent resistance to early blight.
Indeterminate. Cherry. Heirloom. 


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Brandywine’ Tomato Transplant


One of the best-tasting tomatoes. We describe Brandywine’s luscious, heirloom flavour as “very rich, loud, and distinctively spicy.” The large fruits, often over 1 lb., have a deep pink skin and smooth red flesh. The medium-tall, potato-leaf plant is best staked or caged. Soft skins may crack. Shoulders may remain green when ripe.


Indeterminate. Beefsteak. Heirloom.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Bushel Basket’ Cherry Tomato Basket


Grow yellow and red cherry tomatoes in the same basket! Our Bushel Basket hangers have one Yellow Cascade and one Tumbler Cherry per hanging basket. This way you get both colours for a vivid display that’s sure to be an eye-catcher.  Dwarf, determinate plants create many branches that will spread out and droop over the sides of the basket. They produce heavy yields of 1 to 2″, red fruits, often many weeks before typical garden tomatoes we offer.


They do require special care since they are grown in hanging baskets with limited root volume and nutrients and is more sensitive to environmental elements. Please read our Vegetable Basket Care Guide before ordering if you are unfamiliar with this product.


Determinate. Cherry. F-1 Hybrid.


Certified Organic Transplants. 12″ hanging basket







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‘Cherokee Purple’ Tomato Transplant


An unusual variety with full flavour. Famously rich flavour and texture make this a colourful favourite among heirloom enthusiasts. Medium-large, flattened globe, 8-12 oz. fruits. Colour is dusky pink with dark shoulders. Multilocular interior ranges from purple to brown to green. Relatively short vines. Thin skins are prone to cracking when stressed.


Indeterminate. Beefsteak. Heirloom.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Early Girl’ Tomato Transplant


An early maturing variety. Heavy fruit bearer throughout summer with disease-resistant vines. An all-round popular hybrid that produces delicious, fresh tomatoes perfect for slicing on a plate, adding to a salad, or on a sandwich.


F-1 Hybrid. Indeterminate. Beefsteak.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted or 5″ Potted







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‘Esterina’ Tomato Transplant

Very sweet 1 – 1½” cherry tomatoes are highly crack resistant. This multi-cluster type produces heavy yields of bright yellow flavorful fruits. Plants can be grown in open field or protected culture. High Resistance to Tobacco Mosaic Virus and Verticillium Wilt.

Indeterminate. Cherry. F-1 Hybrid


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Great White’ Tomato Transplant


Big yellow-white fruits with a mild flavour.

There are a number of heirloom “white” tomatoes, and Great White is the best we have seen. The 12+ oz. fruit is meaty with few seeds, a mild non-acid flavour, and creamy texture. The medium-tall plants are less viny and mature earlier than other “whites.” Soft skins may crack; harvest before fully ripe to avoid splitting.

Indeterminate. Beefsteak. Heirloom.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted






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‘Jaune Flamme’ Tomato Transplant

Beautiful French heirloom variety whose name in French translates to “Yellow Flame”.  bright golden orange-yellow tomato. Sweet and juicy medium-sized fruits. Strong plants that will grow prolifically.
Indeterminate. Cherry. Heirloom. 


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Lemon Boy’ Tomato Transplant

Bright yellow tomato. Produces globe-shaped, 6 oz fruit that are lemon coloured inside and out, featuring a mild, low acid flavour. Fruit are about 3½” in diameter.

Indeterminate. F-1 Hybrid.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Mountain Princess’ Tomato Transplant


Perfectly rounded fruits with a crowd-pleasing mild sweet flavour. Very productive and early; great for short, cool seasons.


OP. Determinate (Bush). Beefsteak.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted or 5″ Potted







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‘Pink Bumble’ Tomato Transplant


Pink, round cherry tomatoes striped with yellow and orange. Excellent sweet flavour. Pink Bumble Bee is an alluring combination of light pinks, yellows and oranges and is great in a mix with the other Artisan varieties. 20-25 gm. fruits.


Indeterminate. Cherry. OP.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Plum Regal’ Tomato Transplant


A productive plum tomato with early and late blight resistance. Medium-size plants with good leaf cover produce high yields of blocky, 4 oz. plum tomatoes. Fruits have a deep-red colour with good flavour. Good disease resistance package.


Determinate. Paste/Roma. F-1 Hybrid


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Purple Bumble’ Tomato Transplant


Purple, round cherry tomato with metallic green striping. Excellent sweet flavour. Purple Bumble Bee is an eye-catching combination of the dusky purple seen in heirloom tomatoes and metallic green striping. Great mixed with the other Artisan varieties. 20-25 gram fruits.


Indeterminate. Cherry. OP.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Red Pear’ Tomato Transplant


Prolific yielder of bright red, pear-shaped fruits. Firm, sweet tomatoes that pop in your mouth. Couples well with Yellow Pear. Vigorous, prolific plants produce abundantly right up until frost.


Indeterminate. Cherry. OP.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







Pre-order now to pick up from the farm this spring!

‘San Marzano’ Tomato Transplant


A classic Italian favourite with high yields. Excellent rich-flavoured tomato for preserving. Prized for its firm pulp, low seed count and easily-removed skin. Medium-sized, red fruits. Resists cracking and holds well both on the vine and in storage. Heavy yields. Can be prone to Blossom End Rot during stress.


Indeterminate. Paste/Roma. OP Heirloom.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







Pre-order now to pick up from the farm this spring!

‘Soleil’ Tomato Transplant

Beautiful, bright orange cherry tomato. Strong plants overall! Seed sourced from Winnow Seed Co. in Krestova!
Indeterminate. Cherry.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Striped German’ Tomato Transplant


The flat, medium-to-large tomatoes with variable shoulder ribbing are shaded yellow and red. The marbled interior looks beautiful sliced. Complex, fruity flavour and smooth texture. Medium-tall vines bear 12+ oz. fruit.


Indeterminate. Beefsteak. Heirloom.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Sunrise Bumble’ Tomato Transplant


Yellow, round cherry tomato with red stripes and pink interior marbling. Gorgeous combination of yellows and reds, inside and out. Excellent sweet and tangy flavour. Great in mixes with the other Artisan varieties. 20-25 gm. fruits.


Indeterminate. Cherry. OP.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







Reserve yours now with a 50% deposit or purchase in FULL for pickup this spring!

‘Sweet Million’ Tomato Transplant


Sweet Million cherry tomatoes are easy to grow and are adapted to many climates. Tall vigorous vines grow masses of gorgeous red cherry tomatoes on long trusses. This variety is the winner of the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Award of Garden Merit. Sweet Million matures early and deliver incredible yields of delicious sweet cherry tomatoes all season long. A terrific snacking tomato that’s impossible to resist!


This extremely vigorous plant needs support for climbing habit, pruning may be required for containment in smaller areas. Uniform fruits are 1″ (2.5 cm) on average ~1/2 oz. (10-15 grams). Resistant to Fusarium Wilt (Race 1), Tomato (Tobacco) Mosaic Virus.


RHS winner. Indeterminate. F1 Hybrid.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted & 5″ potted







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‘Sweetie’ Tomato Transplant


Red, round cherry tomatoes with excellent sweet flavour. Highly adaptable to many growing conditions. Plants are well tolerant of cool or wet conditions. Naturally resistant to ASC. Seed sourced from Winnow Seed Co. in Krestova!


Indeterminate. Cherry. OP.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Tumbler’ Cherry Tomato Basket


Grow true hanging basket cherry tomatoes! Tumbler has been our customer’s favourite hanging basket cherry tomato since we began experimenting years ago. Dwarf, determinate plants create many branches that will spread out and droop over the sides of the basket. They produce heavy yields of 1 to 2″, red fruits, often many weeks before typical garden tomatoes we offer.


They do require special care since they are grown in hanging baskets with limited root volume and nutrients and is more sensitive to environmental elements. Please read our Vegetable Basket Care Guide before ordering if you are unfamiliar with this product.


Determinate. Cherry. F-1 Hybrid.


Certified Organic Transplants. 12″ hanging basket







Reserve yours now with a 50% deposit or purchase in FULL for pickup this spring!

‘Tumbler’ Cherry Tomato Transplant


Grow true bush cherry tomatoes! Tumbler has been our customer’s favourite hanging basket cherry tomato since we began experimenting years ago. Dwarf, determinate plants create many branches that will spread out and droop over the sides of the basket. They produce heavy yields of 1 to 2″, red fruits, often many weeks before typical garden tomatoes we offer. They work very well in patio containers as well!


Determinate. Cherry. F-1 Hybrid.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







Reserve yours now with a 50% deposit or purchase in FULL for pickup this spring!

‘Yellow Brandywine’ Tomato Transplant


An orange old-timer with rich flavour. This rich-flavoured old timer is an orange version of Brandywine. This potato-leaved variety can be finicky to grow, with roughly shaped fruit one year and smooth the next. Soft skins may crack/scar; pick just before ripe to avoid excessive splitting. 


Indeterminate. Beefsteak. Heirloom.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







Reserve yours now with a 50% deposit or purchase in FULL for pickup this spring!

‘Yellow Cascade’ Cherry Tomato Basket


Now offering a yellow ‘Tumbler’ type cherry tomato for hanging baskets! Yellow Cascade is a new addition to our patio selection. Sweet yellow cherry tomatoes cover the plant as the determinate branch droop over the sides of the basket. They produce heavy yields of 1 to 2″ fruits, often many weeks before the typical garden tomatoes we offer.


They do require special care since they are grown in hanging baskets with limited root volume and nutrients and is more sensitive to environmental elements. Please read our Vegetable Basket Care Guide before ordering if you are unfamiliar with this product.


Determinate. Cherry. F-1 Hybrid.


Certified Organic Transplants. 12″ hanging basket








Reserve yours now with a 50% deposit or purchase in FULL for pickup this spring!

‘Yellow Pear’ Tomato Transplant


Sweet, tangy yellow pear-shaped fruits. Similar in shape and size to Red Pear, with a slightly more tart flavour. Thick skin resists cracking.


Indeterminate. Cherry. OP.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







Reserve yours now with a 50% deposit or purchase in FULL for pickup this spring!

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