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making local eating easier

We are Open!

We are currently open daily from 10am-5pm!

We have a great selection fresh from the fields as we transition into late summer and fall storage crops.

Accepting Cash, E-transfer, Market Cards, Credit and Debit.

Located at 3850 Krestova Road, Krestova!


With more people not only enjoying, but realizing the importance of local food, we are even more committed to making it easier to grow and eat healthy, nutritious food grown right here.

The opening of the farm stand in December of 2022 was a huge success! Many people came out to enjoy the Christmas Trees and wreaths, along with picking up their holiday veggie needs. So far, we have been open almost every day with a selection of great produce!

We look forward to continuing to develop the Farm Stand and create a unique place where you can pick up plants and produce close to home.

Our Farm Stand also accepts our Market Card CSA Program! Get bonuses every time you preload your card and save time at checkout while supporting your farm! Learn more about the program here!

Growing safe, nutritious food has always been our priority! We have been growing organically for three generations. We understand how to manage our soils and plants, the best practices for food safety and our continuous commitment to improvement. We are proud to offer you food from our farm!


How are you open every day?

Our stand is setup for self-checkout! We have a operating system on a tablet that allows customers to checkout when it is most convenient to them. The system calculates your order and allows you to pay with Cash, E-transfer, Market Cards, Credit or Debit.

There is a list of instructions in the stand to guide you through the process if you are new to the system. If you are struggling, we also have a video doorbell to allow you to call for assistance or you can reach out to any of our available staff for help. We require the use of the tablet for our organic record keeping.

During special sales (Plant Sale, Pumpkin Fest, etc.) the stand will have staff to process your orders!

Can you accept Credit Cards?

Yes our system allows us to accept Cash, E-transfer, Market Cards, Credit and Debit.

What do you offer from the farm stand?

Our farm stand primarily offers our seasonal fresh produce, but depending on the season we may also offer;

  • Plants, seeds, plant care
  • Fresh-cut and dried flowers
  • Wreaths and Christmas trees

In the future we hope to offer;

  • Eggs
  • Frozen meat
  • Other food items (canning, dried spices, frozen pizza & meals, etc.)

See below for a more detailed description of our seasonal offerings.

Where are you located?

The farm stand is located at 3850 Krestova Road, Krestova. 

Do your hours change?

Our ours are seasonal! Currently we are setup for 10am-5pm this spring and are looking to extend hours after Plant Sale

Is the stand open during special events?

Our goal is to have the farm stand open every day! We may have to close for brief periods before special events to allow us to setup and after events to restock and recover. The stand will always be open during the special events such as Pumpkin Fest!

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SPRING (April-June)

Plants – seeds, vegetable & herb transplants, berry bushes, fruit trees, edible perennials
Plant care – fertilizers, compost and soil media
Produce – salad mix, arugula, spinach, microgreens, choi, carrots, beets, radishes, green onions, garlic, cucumbers
Flowers – Ranunculus, Tulip, Anemone

SUMMER (June-August)

Produce – salad mix, arugula, spinach, microgreens, swiss chard, broccoli, cabbage, kale, kohlrabi, beans, carrots, beets, turnips, radish, onions, melons, corn, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, cucumbers, zucchini, basil, dill, cilantro, strawberries
Plant care – fertilizers, compost and soil media
Flowers – Fresh cut bouquets

FALL (September-October)

Produce – salad mix, arugula, spinach, microgreens, swiss chard, choi, broccoli, cabbage, kale, kohlrabi, celery, carrots, beets, turnips, radish, onions, garlic, sweetpotatoes, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, pumpkins, basil, dill, cilantro, strawberries
Flowers – Fresh-cut and dried bouquets, wreaths
Special – Pumpkin Fest (Weekend after Thanksgiving)

Winter (November-March)

Produce – salad mix, arugula, spinach, microgreens, swiss chard, choi, cabbage, kale, kohlrabi, celery, carrots, beets, turnips, radish, onions, sweetpotatoes, potatoes, squash
Flowers – Dried Bouquets, hand-tied wreaths
Special – Christmas Trees (December)

With such a fragile global food system, we look forward to the challenge of keeping our community fed!
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